The journal of Ma Cabane à Rêves

speech therapy session for pre-teen dyslexic child, dysorthographic

dyslexia, dysorthography and dysgraphia

Depending on the age and difficulties of the patient, I use it to re-educate oral language, written language and logic. Anne-Laure C., Speech therapist.

dyslexia, dysorthography and dysgraphia

Depending on the age and difficulties of the patient, I use it to re-educate oral language, written language and logic. Anne-Laure C., Speech therapist.

"..a fantastic gateway to creativity.." - Ma Cabane à Rêves

"..a fantastic gateway to creativity.."

The Ma Cabanes à Rêves kits constitute a very versatile medium, which opens a multitude of doors to self-expression! Claire Nouvel, Clinical Psychologist

"..a fantastic gateway to creativity.."

The Ma Cabanes à Rêves kits constitute a very versatile medium, which opens a multitude of doors to self-expression! Claire Nouvel, Clinical Psychologist